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Proper dental hygiene prevents
diseases such as kidney failure
and cardiac, and prevents tooth loss

Does your pet have bad breath? That is the first warning sign that your pet needs a dental cleaning.

The problem of maintaining oral hygiene is not only the bad smell from your pet's mouth, but the health problems that this entails. The bacteria that are part of the bacterial plaque can cause painful abscesses, eye problems, tooth loss and what is even more serious: infections of the heart valves leading to very serious heart problems.


The bad smell from the mouth is caused by tartar and gum infection. Tartar is a brownish plaque formed by bacteria that accumulate on top of the tooth. In order for it to form, there must first be a local infection caused by food debris. Once the plaque is formed on the enamel, if we do not take measures, it continues to accumulate, causing inflammation and retraction of the gum. It is what we call gingivitis and that causes pain in our pet.


"Dental diseases are one of the most frequent that our pets can suffer"

Jose antonio carrillo

CEO of Vetersalud

Veterinarian at Vetersalud Asis



Caring for the teeth is just as important for dogs, cats and ferrets, yes, ferrets also suffer from tartar accumulation and although prevention and correct dental hygiene is very important, it is recommended that your veterinarian do a review of the mouth of your pet to avoid the appearance of tartar.


At Vetersalud we have as a rule to do an oral examination in each check-up that we perform on your pet. In it, we will tell you if you are in time to perform a preventive treatment or if, on the contrary, we must perform a cleaning of the mouth, because with a plaque of tartar already formed with symptoms of gingivitis, the recommendation will always be to clean the mouth and leave the mouth ready and prepared for all preventive actions.

To ensure the well-being of the pet, during dental cleaning, it must be sedated and the procedure will follow the following phases:




Remove tartar plaque
using ultrasound.

Curettage to remove plaque.

Dental polishing to cover enamel damage.


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In dogs

  • The ideal is to accustom your dog from puppy to tooth brushing.

  • It is very important that you enjoy brushing your teeth and adaptation to this process should be done little by little, calmly and patiently.

  • Never use human toothpaste on dogs: ask your veterinarian which is the best option.

  • Ideally, take dental cleaning as a game, you can use some sweets.

  • Get your dog used to mouth contact, so that it is normal for him to touch his nose and look at his teeth. Always in caress and pampering mode.

  • There are products that you can use to care for your teeth, such as sweets or powders that you put in food or water.

  • Perform regular checkups of your dog's oral health. And remember that a good diet is essential to avoid the accumulation of tartar and dental problems.

  • And, most importantly, always consult with your veterinarian about the best way to perform oral care for your pet.

In cats

  • As in dogs, the ideal is to accustom the cat from puppy to tooth brushing.

  • Good nutrition is essential to avoid the accumulation of tartar and dental problems.

  • It is very important that you enjoy brushing your teeth and adaptation to this process should be done little by little, calmly and patiently.

  • Never use human toothpaste on cats: ask your veterinarian which is the best option.

  • To clean her mouth, it is best to approach her from the side, while you caress her, do not do it from the front or by surprise.

  • At first you will only be able to clean a few teeth or perhaps none, do not worry, remember that the goal is to teach him to enjoy brushing.

  • You may need 3-4 weeks to clean her entire mouth. ..

  • If they are reluctant to clean their mouths, try using a gauze moistened in a flavor that they like, so they will get used to tolerating the gum massage.

  • You can use rubber thimbles at first, as they are not very effective at removing plaque.

  • Consult with your veterinarian what additional products you can use to care for his teeth, as well as any questions you may have

Gato curioso

In ferrets

  • It is becoming more and more frequent to have these animals as pets and it is also very important for them to check their teeth constantly

  • Good nutrition is essential to avoid the accumulation of tartar and dental problems.

  • It is recommended that you brush your teeth every fortnight to avoid the appearance of tartar and tooth decay.

  • Remember that dental problems can cause kidney problems and other health problems.

  • Use a special toothbrush for ferrets (you can also use those for cats) with a little toothpaste for ferrets, dogs or cats.

  • Your ferret must be calm in order to begin cleaning teeth. We recommend starting from the back to the front and cleaning one side first, letting it rest a bit, and then cleaning the other.

  • Ferrets are very nervous and it is important to calmly accustom them to this process.

  • There are products that are very easy to apply that can help you with the care of your pet's dental health, consult your veterinarian about the options

  • The review by your veterinarian is essential.




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